F2x.distutils.strategy package

This module controls the built-in build strategies. It provides a registry that can be used to add and retrieve custom build strategies.

See also


The documentation of F2x.distutils.strategy.base.BuildStrategy contains details about the build process and how to modify it with own build strategies.


A build strategy to create Python extensions that need to load a library with the compiled wrapper code (like the F2x.template.ctypes template).


A build strategy to create Python C extensions that contain the wrapper code in a loadable module.


D.get(k[,d]) -> D[k] if k in D, else d. d defaults to None.

F2x.distutils.strategy.register_strategy(name, strategy)

Add a new strategy to the registry. If a strategy with the same name is already registered, it will be overwritten.

  • name – Name for the new strategy.

  • strategy – An instance of a subclass of BuildStrategy.
